1. INSTALLATION To install, simply put the files ucs.sty, utf8x.def, ucsencs.def and data/* somewhere in your TeX-path. If you want CJK characters, you need the c??enc.def files, too. For Klingon you need lklenc.def and lklkli.fd. You may have to run some command like mktexlsr, lest the files will not be found by TeX. What to do, however, is distribution dependent. Warning: If you install the files into some directory, where TeX does not search recursively (usually the current directory and your personal TeX directory are of that kind), you have to put the contents of data directly into that directory. If you don't install data/uninames.dat, you will save about 300 KB, but you won't get the full names of the characters in error messages. If you have added glyphs macros in one of the files in config (see perldoc makeunidef.pl for information on the config file format), you have to recreate the files in data by running "make datafiles". This uses makeunidef.pl internally. You can also run the makeunidef.pl directly. When doing this, you may supply another target directory instead of data, e.g. some directory in your TeX-path. makeunidef.pl will not delete or overwrite any files it has not created itself. If you add "--exclude cjkbg5,cjkgb,cjkjis,cjkhangul", CJK characters will not be included, saving more than 1 MB of disk space. 2. GETTING THE SOURCE CODE REPOSITORY Install darcs from <http://darcs.net/>, if you do not have done this yet. Then check out the ucs repository with the following command: darcs get http://darcs.wolfgang.jeltsch.info/tex/ucs 3. BUILDING If you are working with the source code repository, you will probably want to build the autogenerated files at some point. To do this, run (GNU) make in the root directory of the repository. 4. CREATING A DISTRIBUTION BUNDLE Running make dist in the root directory of the repository gives you a file ucs.tar.gz. This file contains all source files and all autogenerated files, and has the "executable" bit set for all scripts. It is intended for uploading to CTAN.